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Heated propagation bench
We made a heated sand bench in the polytunnel so we can use it to bring on young frost sensitive seedlings.
Wildlife pond
Our wildlife pond taking shape

Welcome to 2022
Excited to move into 2022, our first year of full production.
Soil blocks for propagation
Our seed blocks -special care baby unit for plants.
The last of our new beds is complete for this year.

Aphids the organic way
On sale
Our first sales day

Our first harvest
At last! Some super blooms so we an get busy.

Hardy annuals planted out
A few hardy annuals planted out in out test beds. Fingers crossed they come on and prove the whole thing is viable.

Final no-dig bed
Update on or last no-dig bed for this year

No-dig beds update
The beds are coming on .. 2nd bed finished and some of the paths laid.

Laura fetching in a few chrysanths from the plot.

Early starters: our hardy annuals
Hardy annuals germinating

Our first beds
Our first no-dig beds. Cardboard and compost laid straight on the undug paddock, weeds and all.

Start here…
Here is our field before we start on the beds. Years ago it was a riding school paddock. More recently it was home to sheep and llamas.
So there should be plenty of organic fertilizer in there.
The soil is pretty heavy clay and can get water logged so we have put some drainage in and its been much dryer since.